Specializations of the Psychiatrist Stavroula Giannitsi

Individual Psychotherapy

In the Psychodynamic context of the therapeutic session, the usual “face to face” Psychotherapeutic device is used. The patient’s ability for introspection, verbal expression of thoughts, feelings, desires and memories as well as the ability to respond to the mental change that is sought is important. Equally important is the therapist’s ability to listen carefully and put himself in the patient’s position (empathy) without losing his objectivity.

Central to the Therapist-Patient relationship is the inclusion of procedures for resolving unconscious Psychiatric Traumatic Conflicts.

Psychotherapy Services / Group Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

In the small analytical group the Therapist (coordinator) is not directing, but he is encouraging. The members of the group are unknown to each other, they meet at regular intervals and emphasis is placed on the dynamics of the relationships that develop within the group.

Members ‘abilities for introspection and interaction, motivation for mental change, honest expression of feelings, members’ acceptance of each other, group trust and cohesion are important factors in the evolution of the treatment.

In my book “Psychosomatic and Group Psychotherapy” all aspects of this therapy are extensively developed.


Combination Therapies

My status as a Psychiatrist and my long-term training and experience in Psychotherapy enable me to offer the patient alternative options such as Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Group Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Medication and Pharmacotherapy.

The combination of Individual or Group Psychotherapy with Pharmacotherapy can help in specific cases when, for example, there is an urgent need for relief from the symptoms of Mental or Psychosomatic Disorder.